Sunday, December 9, 2012

Back to Life for Cancer Survivors

 I have had the unique experience of working with many women, of all ages (one as young as 22), who have undergone all types of cancer. Cancer pateients often lose all of their hair due to chemotherapy and opt to wear a wig. However, there comes a point after about 6 to 8 months after treatment that these women begin seeing their hair grow back, but they tell me that it is not long enough to forego wearing the wig and go back out into the world with super-short hair.

Several of these women have told me that the wig reminds them of being sick, and that they want to take it off, but are not happy with the look their newly-grown short hair provides.  And that is where clip-on hair extensions come in! :)

These before and after photos of one of my client shows the dramatic effect of the extensions. She looks so beautiful! I loved working with this client, she was so sweet and so badly wanted to make the extensions work. I honestly didn't think her hair was long enough for the clip-ons to work but I was so extremely determined to try. 
I suppose I shoudl reach out more to cancer groups to make them aware of this option for cancer survivors who are in that "middle stage" -- meaning they are ready to take off the wig but are not ready to be seen with super short hair. Doing Tracy's set was a labor of love, I was so happy we could make it work for her. I layered each piece carefully and chose a loose curly hair so that it would blend with her short hair and not look "mullet-like." Although her wig was straight, straight hair extensions would not blend well. But once her hair grows a bit more she can easily straighten the extensions because it is human hair. Wow! What a remarkable day that was and I was so happy to see Tracy leave my hair studio with her wig in the bag and a big smile on her face!

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